About Us

Journey Part I

We started in 2016 with a known name RTSC.co recognized by few of the corporate houses those who invited us to provide management training and mentoring to their staff of different departments. We started RTSC with just 8 employes on board so we were not able to entertain many proposals coming in our way due to lack of time. We were busy with already established connections. In 2018 we opened our office in Pune, India . At the end of 2019 due to Covid outbreak we shut our three offices including overseas.

Journey Part II

In the middle of 2021 we made a lot of tie up’s with different organizations working with different clients in 90% online and 10% offline mode.
The tie up’s flourished and we again became at the top in providing before real work training to the motivated people and staffs of different companies. We are the only company in India and select countries authorize to provide and enroll candidates for Skilled Professional certificate program through SkilledProfessional.org
As per management decision we changed our company name from RTSC to workinternships in 2023 and started work under our parent company INDIAN NETWORKS.
The company has now more than twenty eight authorize franchise or representative partners all our India and five International representation faces.
The journey continues….

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